Hi guys, I'm looking for some Tofu_is_amazing fic. I have only a partial fic list. But I'm missing a few of those. And if anyone has a whole bunch, I am more than interested in a copy
Hello! I looking to see if anyone has a copy of Fatebegins I'll Be 'verse, I have the pdf of their fics but it wasn't included and it's one of my personal favourites. If anyone has it and can share it, I'd greatly appreciate it.
I was searching through some old bookmarks and came across a bookmark for a J2 fic called 'For You' by keep waking up, but the journal has been purged. I've checked the list of deleted/shared stories and it's not on there. I'm hoping somebody either has the fic (and the author doesn't mind it being shared), or knows if the author changed their name
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I keep seeing recs for this livejournal but her journal is gone now. If anyone has copies of her fics, pls send them to this email: hiddencrime135@gmail.com
Edit: Most of the fics have been found by meus_venator, the link is in the comments. Not all the fics have been found so if anyone has more fics by exd_fics, it'd be greatly appreciated ^^
Hi, well, I just finished reading Overture by Alternaurora, I had it in my calibre collection but haven't read it before and I wanted to check more stories by her, and I found her stories are deleted from the net
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Hey I got to missing some of the amazing stories that fatebegins had written. So I checked my saved stories and realized that I didn’t have ‘You & I‘ or ‘First Day of my Life‘. One was based on Mrs. Winterbourne and the other was about Jared leaving because he had a drug problem then him coming back pregnant and their slowly coming back together,
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